
Since I’ve been doing a lot of small skin edits that I’ve been sharing in small circles, I’ve decided to group them in this post. I will update this post whenever I create an edit and share it somewhere.

You’re free to share this anywhere or include it in any skins, but please at least give credit :D

simple-play by @mnpyprrn

Modifier ribbons


Inspired by Remi and K-COOL skins. Rectangular ribbons displaying current game modifiers:

  • lane modifier
  • difficulty
  • gauge (and GAS)
  • auto/replay
  • LN mode (if LNs are present)

Unzip into /customize/extension and enable by setting one of the “Extension front” options to “Ribbons”. Refer to the parts.lua file for placement options.

I’ve included some code related to displaying the current stage (For courses), but I couldn’t get to work. If you know how to make it work, please get in touch!

3x1 BGA block


Can be used as a background filler if, for example, you have your playfield centered. Unzip into /customize/extension and enable by setting one of the “Extension front” options to “BGA Block”. Refer to the parts.lua file for placement options.

Partyparrot bombs

Party parrot bombs originally made for LITONE by Chazoshtare, which I’ve adapted for simple-play. Unzip into /customize/bomb and enable by setting the “Bomb” and “Bomb PG” options to “papuga”. Refer to the bomb.lua file if you want to edit parrots’ size.

LR2 full combo animation

Simple addon which executes an animation when a full combo is reached. Unzip into /customize/fullcombo and enable by setting the “Fullcombo” option to “LR2”.

ChomikBox hamster mascot


An 8 frame animation of the Chomikuj.pl mascot. Unzip into /customize/moving_mascot and enable by setting the “Mascot” option to “MOVING” and the “Moving Mascot” option to “chomikbox”.

English translation for the CS graph


Small edit to the CS graph which translates the only text strings present there.

Unzip into /customize/scoregraph/CS_1p and enable by setting the “Scoregraph” option to “CS_1p”.

My personal 7key settings file

My settings file which aims to reflect the scale and placement of the OADX+ CS skin series, while keeping the playfield around the center of the screen.

Unzip into /customize/settings and enable by setting the “Settings file (7keys)” option to “Marucha CS”.

m-select by @mnpyprrn

Translated panels


I’ve used the .psd files supplied by Uncle Munimini himself (that’s what his Twitter handle translates to) to translate the panels from Japanese to English.

Unzip into /customize/advanced, enable by changing “default” to “english” in the following lines in the /customize/advanced/enable.txt file:

  • default_achievement
  • default_chart
  • default_optionpanel2
  • default_ranking
  • default_rivaldata
  • default_selectinfo2